Marrero 504-309-3262
Gretna 504-509-4800

Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Feb 1 - 28, 2025

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in America and in Louisiana. Louisiana ranks 46th in death due to heart disease and stroke, according to the 2016 Louisiana Department of Health Report Card. In Jefferson Parish, it ranks second, only to cancer. One person dies every 37 seconds from heart disease.

The CDC also notes that 2 in 10 deaths occur in people under 65 years old. The top three risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking. In addition, conditions such as diabetes, obesity, an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity all contribute to the probability of heart disease or heart attacks. However, there are steps you can take to lower your risk and prevent heart disease.

Call for a check-up today, 504.309.3263 or 504.509.4800.
Soul Food Friday

Soul Food Friday

Friday Feb 7, 2025

Soul Food Friday: Knowledge Feeds the Soul
4 - 7 p.m. (PHC Gretna location)
12 Westbank Expressway - Gretna, La. 70053

PHC is hosting a Healthy Sex Workshop with free STI testing, raffles, music with some good old New Orleans style soul food. Come join us!
Colon and Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Colon and Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Mar 1 - 31, 2025

March is Colon and Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
“Colon Cancer is Preventable”
Although colon cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, according to the CDC, it is also preventable, if detected early. However, 1 in 3 adults who should be screened (ages 50 – 75) are not doing so. While there are several tests available for colon cancer screening, you can start by calling your PHC provider about screening today at 504.309.3262 (Marrero) or 504.509.4800 (Gretna).
American Diabetes Alert Day

American Diabetes Alert Day

Tuesday Mar 25, 2025

According to the CDC, 84 million people 18 or older have pre-diabetes and 90-95% of diagnosed cases are Type 2 Diabetes.  Louisiana ranks 45th in the percentage of adults with diabetes and 50th in the number of obese adults (La. Dept. of Health 2016 Report Card). Obesity is a significant contributor to Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes can be a debilitating  disease but it’s also preventable!

With a healthy diet, exercise, and a healthy weight you can prevent or delay Type 2 Diabetes. Take the risk test now. If you already have a diagnosis of Type 2 you can still ward off complications by joining a lifestyle change program or visiting your PHC primary care doctor to help management of your diabetes. Call for a free glucose screening today at 504.309.3262 (Marrero) or 504.509.4800 (Gretna).

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